How to combine Sencha Touch and PhoneGap to create a native app for android


  • Phonegap (Version 2.9 or later)
  • Sencha Command Line Tool (Version 5.0.0 or later)

Firstly I’ve downloaded the Phonegap package (from the phonegap archive) and extracted it to my folder /opt/phonegap-2.9

Afterwards I’ve downloaded the Sencha Touch Framework from Sencha and placed it on my Linux Ubuntu 14.04 into the folder /opt/senchatouch2

Combination of Sencha Touch and Phonegap

Create a Sencha Touch application

To make use of this combination, we need to create a touch application.

Open a terminal and type in:

cd /opt/senchatouch2/
sencha generate app AppName /var/www/AppName
cd /var/www/AppName
sencha app build package

Now if you open your favorite web browser (webkit-browser work best for sencha touch), you should be able to see your created application:


If this works and you can see your application, you can try to have a look for the package build we’ve just done in addition:


This version is a minified version of all the individual sencha touch files, merged into one single file.

If you are able to open the build package in your web browser, we are ready now to take one further step and go on with the Phonegap project creation.

Create the Phonegap project

cd /opt/phonegap-2.9/lib/android/bin/
./create /var/www/AppName/build/package/AppName/android com.yourdomainnamespace.AppName AppName
cd /var/www/AppName/build/package/AppName/android/
ant debug && adb install -r ./bin/AppName-debug.apk

The first line changes from the current directory to the phonegap folder. There we use the create script to create a phonegap project for us. Afterwards we change to the build directory and create a apk file which will be installed directly in your running android emulator. If you don’t want to test it in an emulator, just copy the apk file onto your android device.

Warning: Test the apk on your device on your own risk! This may be harmful for your device and therefore testing on an emulator is recommended!

At this moment, what you will see, will just be like the Apache Cordova splash screen which shows the device is ready animation. If this is also works on your side, you’ve done a good job so far.

Open now the file /var/www/AppName/app.json and add the lines marked in bold to the js section of this file:

"js": [
         "path": "cordova.js"
         "path": "touch/sencha-touch.js",
         "x-bootstrap": true
         "path": "bootstrap.js",
         "x-bootstrap": true
         "path": "app.js",
         "bundle": true,
         "update": "delta"

And kick off a build:

cd /var/www/AppName/
sencha app build package

When you refresh now your application in the browser and open the developer tools (most probably F12) you should see that the app loads the cordova.js file properly.

Well, at this point, we need to change a few code lines in the build.xml file. We need to copy our desired application files into the cordova web root which is located in /android/assets/www/.

Copy following code lines below the section:

<import file="${basedir}/.sencha/app/build-impl.xml"/>
<target name="-after-build">

		<delete dir="${build.dir}/android/assets/www" />

		<copy todir="${build.dir}/android/assets/www">
		    <fileset dir="${build.dir}" />

		<delete dir="${build.dir}/android/assets/www/android" />

Afterwards kick off a build again:

cd /var/www/AppName
sencha app build package
cd /var/www/AppName/build/package/AppName/android/
ant debug && adb install -r ./bin/AppName-debug.apk

In your android emulator now should your Sencha Touch application as a native app combined with phonegap features.

To make use of them either visit and have a look to the api, or just give it a try with following commands which you add to /var/www/AppName/app/view/Main.js to the items section:

items: [
                title: 'Welcome',
                iconCls: 'home',

                styleHtmlContent: true,
                scrollable: true,

                tpl: [
                    'device name: {name}<br />',
                    'phonegap version: {cordova}'
                listeners: {
                    initialize: function() {
                        navigator.notification.alert('Testing the Notification feature of cordova (Phonegap)');

Let’s kick off our last build for this how to:

cd /var/www/AppName
sencha app build package
cd /var/www/AppName/build/package/AppName/android/
ant debug && adb install -r ./bin/AppName-debug.apk

And now switch to your emulator and see the final result.

How to create OOP Smartphone or Tablet with Sencha Touch Framework



Sencha Touch is an OOP JavaScript framework that makes it easy to build mobile web applications that look and feel native on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry touch devices. To find more you can take a look at Sencha Touch website.


Required Software

  1. Download and unzip Sencha Touch. You can unzip the software to any directory.
  2. Sencha Touch requires Chrome or Safari. On a mobile device, you can use Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer 10 or 11.
  3. Download and install Sencha Cmd. Sencha Touch 2.3.1 and later requires Sencha Cmd 4.0.1, 4.0.2, and later. To check that you have correctly installed Sencha Cmd, type the sencha command, for example:
    # sencha
    Sencha Cmd vn.n.n
  4. Java Runtime Environment version 1.7. Sencha Cmd is written in Java and needs the JRE to run. Note: If you are building an Android app using Windows, you must install the Java SDK. You can build an iOS app under Windows with the JRE, but not an Android app.
  5. Ruby to create the compiled CSS used by Touch.
    • Windows: Download Ruby from Download the RubyInstaller .exe file and run it.
    • Mac: Ruby is pre-installed. You can verify its presence with the ruby -v command.
    • Ubuntu: Use sudo apt-get install ruby2.0.0 to download and install Ruby.

Create a Starting Environment

Choose or create a directory where your application will reside, change to that directory, and issue the following command:

$ sencha -sdk /path/to/touch generate app MyApp . 


  1. /path/to/touch is the directory where you unzipped the Touch software.
  2. MyApp is the name you give your application.

This generates a starting Sencha Touch application namespaced to the MyApp variable and located in the current directory.

The starting app contains all the files you need to create a Sencha Touch application, including the default index.html file, a copy of the Touch SDK, the CSS file, and images and configuration files for creating native packages for your app.

You can verify if your application has generated successfully by opening it in a web browser. If you extracted the SDK to your webroot folder, navigate to http://localhost/MyApp. If you are using the Sencha Cmd web server, you can access served applications with the http://localhost:1841/ URL.

What We Are Creating

We are creating a simple mobile web app to use for a company’s mobile site. The app includes a home page, a contact form, and a simple list that fetches Sencha’s recent blog posts and allows visitors to read them on a mobile device.
